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The Essentials of Elk Velvet Antler Supplements

Our goal here at Wapiti Labs is to support your pet’s health in the way we know best—by unlocking the potential of natural ingredients through science-based supplementation. Today, we’re pushing aside the scientific jargon to talk plainly about the versatile ingredient at the heart of some of our most powerful formulas: elk velvet antler. Here’s what it is, why it’s important, and how it can help keep your cat or dog happy and healthy for years to come.

What is Elk Velvet Antler?

Elk velvet antler (EVA) is a humane, renewable substance found in the growing antlers of male elk. Rich in compounds like glucosamine, hyaluronic acids, collagen, amino acids, and essential minerals and elements, EVA is a natural adaptogen. Great, you might say—what does that mean? Essentially, this substance works to correct aspects of the body that are out of balance. Instead of forcing the body to react to it, it works with what the body is already doing to create equilibrium.  
As much as we’d love to take credit for the discovery of this amazing substance, the use of elk velvet antler as a health treatment isn’t new. EVA has been a key ingredient in traditional Chinese Holistic Formulas for thousands of years, with historical findings showing it was used as a natural remedy and employed to treat a variety of conditions, from arthritis to insomnia. We’re ecstatic to be able to utilize this health powerhouse in a number of our natural pet supplements.
And if you’re wondering where on earth we get EVA—the elk velvet antler in our pet supplements comes from our very own elk ranch in Minnesota, where our elk are free to roam 320 acres and receive expert care from our herd veterinarian. The extraction process is safe and humane, leaving the elk with no side effects!  

How Can Elk Velvet Antler Help My Pet?

EVA offers numerous advantages to humans and pets alike, but we’ll stick to the ways in which it supports cats and dogs here. All of those compounds we mentioned? They work together to provide a whole host of health benefits—when administered properly, EVA can support mobility, circulation, liver and kidney function, normal muscle recovery, and a healthy immune system. The substance also absorbs into the body quickly, ensuring that our formulas do their work.  

Elk Velvet Antler Supplements for Pets

We’re proud to offer a range of natural supplements that utilize nutrient-rich EVA. Be sure to consult your vet and keep your pet’s individual health needs in mind when choosing which elk antler supplement is right for your cat or dog.


The key to giving your kitty a long, healthy life is to keep her in great condition in the first place. Even young cats can benefit from supplementation. Vital is ideal for young to middle-aged cats who could use some mobility and renal health support. This supplement is also helpful for kitties affected by cold, damp weather and those who quit using their litter box.


Your geriatric cat could be in perfect health—but she will eventually begin to show signs of aging. ReVitalize is specially formulated with a higher level of beneficial ginseng for cats in their second stage of life and provides additional support for the kidneys, joints, eyes, immune system, and thyroid function.


Strength is exactly what its name suggests—Wapiti’s most powerful formula, designed to maintain healthy cartilage and joint function. Perfect for working, hunting, or agility dogs expending a significant amount of energy, Strength works to support normal recovery time, invigorate the blood, and encourage circulation. Cats that seem to be slowing down or experiencing weakness can also enjoy the benefits of this supplement.


Active dogs can get injured all too easily, whether by slipping on ice, working too hard, or taking a bad leap. Their overall health often determines how quickly they’ll recover from these injuries, so it’s important to keep your pup in excellent shape at all times. Mobility supports joint flexibility and connective tissue health, helping to keep your dog moving easily.

Senior Mobility

Senior dogs still want to have fun, and a lot of that fun comes from playing with you and moving around. Formulated with additional ginseng for an extra boost, our Senior Mobility supplement is perfect for aging canines who are slowing down and entering their golden years.  

Give Your Pets the Support They Deserve

We’ve never met a dog or cat we didn’t like here at Wapiti Labs! We’ve channeled that love of animals into creating high-quality dietary supplements for pets, which can help you keep your furry friend at his or her best for as long as possible. Whether your cat or dog needs an energy boost or some extra mobility support, our natural supplements can help. You can purchase online today.

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