Holistic Supplements to help with your pet’s Lyme Disease symptoms

It’s that time of year again, wood ticks are back in full force, bringing with them the possibility of Lyme disease. The most prevalent cause of Lyme disease is a bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi. This bacteria is transmitted through the bite and feeding of an infected tick. When an infected tick attaches to the host […]
Walk Your Pet for Bone & Joint Health

Walking your pet is a great way to keep them moving and to increase your bond with one another. It is also an excellent way to monitor their movement. This is especially important as your pet grows older since geriatric conditions such as arthritis are becoming more common. Arthritis is a general term for joint […]
Keeping Your Pets Warm This Winter

Just like their owners, pets can catch colds. So as the weather turns bitter this winter, it is important to keep an eye on your pet’s health to ensure they are in top form. Cold Weather and Dogs Dogs rely on their respiratory system to stay warm. When the air is icy, their bronchial tubes […]