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What Your Big Breed Dog Should Be Chewing On and Why

Black Lab And Antler Chew

Dogs have a penchant for chewing. And while it might seem like a troubling and destructive habit at first glance, chewing is actually a perfectly natural, healthy behavior that plays a major role in cleaning a canine’s teeth and managing boredom. That’s why it’s very important to provide your pup with stimulating and safe objects […]

Why Your Dog Needs to Lose Weight


Dogs are exceptionally good at getting what they want, particularly when it comes to treats and scraps. As a pet parent, it’s almost impossible to deny your furry family member when he or she hits you with those infamous (and incredibly persuasive) puppy eyes while begging for food. However, it’s imperative to watch your favorite […]

3 Herbal Supplements Your Dog Needs

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As a proud pet parent, you’re always looking out for the best ways to keep your canine in peak condition. After all, you want every member of your family (including the four-legged ones) to stay healthy and happy for many years to come. Fortunately, with the help of herbal supplements for pets, you can support […]

Diets for Dogs With Cancer

Ill Retriever In Veterinary Clinic.

Dogs with cancer are susceptible to a variety of harmful symptoms, including loss of stamina, persistent lameness or stiffness, difficulty breathing, and loss of appetite. To combat these conditions and help your dog recover, you’ll need to supply a diet that’s specifically designed to counteract the effects of cancer. At Wapiti Labs, we fully understand […]

Everything You Need to Know About Dog Vaccinations

Vaccinations are an excellent tool that owners can use to prevent dangerous illnesses that affect their pets. Dogs that aren’t vaccinated are highly susceptible to a host of serious afflictions, including canine parvovirus, distemper, rabies and canine hepatitis. That’s why it’s so critical for dog owners to understand what vaccinations are and which ones will […]

Why Won’t My Dog Drink Water?

Dog Not Drinking Water 2

Dehydration is a dangerous condition for humans and canines alike. That’s because water is such a critical component of several core body processes, including digestion, blood circulation, and waste removal. As a dog owner, there are few things more concerning than when your dog refuses to drink water, particularly if it’s been more than a […]

Why Your Dog Needs to Chew

Black Lab And Antler Chew

All dogs have an innate desire to chew. Whether it’s an old rope, a squeaky toy or your favorite pair of old sneakers, odds are good that your canine has a few items around the house that they can’t resist chomping on. And despite what you may have heard about this potentially destructive behavior, chewing […]

10 Ways to Make Your Home More Comfortable for a Senior Pet

Senior Dog

Taking care of an older pet can be incredibly challenging. Special accommodations need to be made to ensure that they can eat, drink, sleep, exercise, and use the bathroom safely and easily. At Wapiti Labs, we understand the unique needs and habits of geriatric dogs and cats. That’s why we assembled this list of 10 […]

How to Protect Your Dog’s Feet

Our canine companions have incredibly tough paw pads that protect their feet while they run, jump, prance and play fight. However, these resilient groups of tissue are far from invincible, especially now that they need to navigate over many rough, human-made surfaces, including concrete, metal and gravel. Dogs with cut, frostbitten or burnt paws are […]

3 Ways to Help Your Dog’s Upset Stomach

Many people believe that dogs have iron stomachs. After all, they seem to effortlessly consume and process some of the toughest and most unsanitary materials around, including clumps of grass, wood, raw meat and bones. However, despite the apparent hardiness of their digestive tracts, canines are just as susceptible to gas buildup, vomiting and stomach […]

Supplements to Help Your Cat After a Surgery


Is your cat feeling weak, sluggish or uncomfortable after a recent surgical operation? Any form of surgery can put an incredible amount of strain on your feline’s physical and emotional well-being. Consequently, it’s critically important to give all of the support and care you can to help them heal and feel well again. Here at […]

4 Things That Happen as Your Dog Ages

Wapiti Labs Trial Packs

As our canine companions reach their later years, their bodies and patterns of behavior begin to change. For example, dogs that used to effortlessly sprint around the house during play sessions may slow down due to the adverse effects of aging, including fatigue, vision problems or joint damage. In order to provide optimal care and […]